
This picture was taken a few years ago. It is a beautiful view from the church on the hill.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Chapter 8

Many local farmers are trying to encourage local agriculture. There is a weekly farmers market in Sedona were the local fresh fruit is sold. Even in the winter they are able to offer "local honey, red and yellow chards, collard greens,carrots, beets, bokchoy, jerusalem artichoke, dill, cilantro, red potatoes, dandelion, savoy cabbage, onions, kale, turnips, radishes, scallions, broccoli, butternut squash, AZ citrus, pecans, hummus, chicken/turkey/duck/emu eggs, organically grown, bare root, ever bearing strawberry and raspberry plants, hand-made pasta, grass-fed beef, hummus, AZ mesquite flour (gluten-free), baked goods, scissor and small tool sharpening service, worm castings, locally adapted seeds, health tonics, chocolates, jams and jellies goat milk lotion and much more!" These farmers feel that local agriculture is important because it helps the economy, community, the buyers health, and the environment. They provide more information at

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